Access to Training Courses

Erasmus + is the European Programme that focuses on the fields of education, training, youth and sports for the period of 2014-2020. This unique program intends to boost the labor perspectives and personal development of the citizens, and also help the education, training and youth programs to provide teaching and training systems that give people the skills and abilities needed for the current and future labor market and society.

In Spain, the organization designed as national agency for the coordinated management of the Erasmus + Programme is the Servicio Español Para la Internalización de la Educación (SEPIE), in the field of education and learning.

Erasmus+ in the Field of Education and Learning: SEPIE

Erasmus + opportunities in all fields of education and learning: higher education, vocational training, school education and adult people education, with the objective of:

  • Boosting the basic skills and capabilities level, especially regarding those related to the labor market and society’s cohesion and contribution, enhancing mobility opportunities for learning reasons and strengthening cooperation between the field of education and learning and the current labor market and environment.
  • Pushing forward quality, excellency, innovation and internationalization improvements in educational and learning institutions, especially boosting transnational cooperation.
  • Enhancing the teaching and learning of languages and promoting the linguistic diversity of the European Union and intercultural awareness.
  • Promoting the creation and awareness of a European Lifelong Learning Space, designed to support national policy reforms and the modernization of educational and training systems, especially boosting policy cooperation, a better use of the transparency and certification tools of the EU and a diffusion of good practices.
  • Boosting the international scope of education and training, especially through the cooperation between the program and the partner countries’ institutions in the fields of vocational training and higher education, thus increasing the appeal of European higher education institutions, and supporting the external action of the European Union.

The Servicio Español Para la Internalización de la Educación (SEPIE) is the Autonomous Organization, under the authority of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, that acts as National Agency for the management, diffusion, promotion and assessment of the impact of the Erasmus + Programme in the field of Education and Training (2014-2020), along with other European initiatives and educational programs.

SEPIE is in charge of advertising and disseminating the Program’s calls, providing technical assistance and advice to the possible beneficiaries of the actions, and conducting an appropriate monitoring so the planned actions can achieve the expected results.

For the tasks of diffusion and monitoring, SEPIE collaborates with a wide network of institutions: the Education departments of each of Spain’s regions, Universities, regional Public Employment Services, Chambers of Commerce, business and labor organizations, and other institutions that develop training activities.


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This e-learning platform is a result of the project: VIRTUAL INCLUSIVE EDUACITON FOR ADULT PEOPLE: VOLUNTEERS AND REFUGEES
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission in 2017.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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